8560 service manual

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8560 service manual

Information on its use is found in the Introduction of the Service Documentation. To ensure understanding of this product, complete the Xerox Service Training Program for this particular system. Updates are issued as the system changes or as corrections are identified. Contents: Introduction and General Information. This section contains documentation organization, symbology and nomenclature, translated warnings, safety symbols, regulatory specifications, and general information about the printer. 1. Service Call Procedures. This section contains procedures to be taken during a service call and in what sequence they are to be completed. This is the entry level for all service calls. 2. Status Indicator RAPs. This section contains all the removal, replacement, and adjustments procedures. Repairs include procedures for removal and replacement of spare parts listed in the Parts List. Use the repair procedures for the correct order of removal and replacement, for warnings, cautions, and notes. Adjustments include procedures for adjusting the parts that must be within specification for the correct operation of the system. Individual wire networks are shown in the Circuit Diagrams contained in Section 2. This section also contains the Block Schematic Diagrams. 8. Theory of Operation. This section contains detailed functional information on the print engine components. Service Manual All trademarks and copyrights in the published materials belong to their respective owners. First Pri nting: Januar y 2007 Un published rights reserv ed unde r the copyri ght laws of th e United Sta tes. C ont ents o f this publicati on may not be re produced in any form wi thout permi ssion of Xerox Cor poration.


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Copyrigh t protecti on claim ed include s all form s of matte rs of copyri ghtable m aterials and informa tion now a llowed by statutory or judic ial law or h ereinaf ter grante d, includ ing withou t limitat ion, materia l generate d from the softwar e progr ams which are disp layed on th e screen such as styles, templa tes, icon s, screen displays, looks, etc. Xerox technica l trai ning mat erials and service manuals are intended for use by aut horized Xerox se rvice tec hnicians and se rvice par tners only and are not for resale. T hese m aterials m ay not be di stributed, c opied or othe rwise rep roduce d witho ut prio r written conse nt from Xerox C orpora tion. Consult c urrent P AN TONE Publications for accurate co lor.Common Acronyms: The following list defines the acronym s that may be found in this manual. N o t e A note in dicate s an o perating or m aintena nce proc edure, practic e or conditi on that is necess ar y to effi ciently accompl ish a tas k. A note ca n provid e additio nal in f orm ation re lated to a speci fic sub ject or add a com ment on the resu lts achi e v ed thro ugh a previous ac tion. Caution A cautio n indicates an operati ng or maintenanc e procedure, practice or conditi on that, if no t stric tly obser ved, re sults in da mage to, or destruction of, equipment. W arn i ng A war ning i ndicates an ope rating or mai ntenance p roce dure, practice o r condition th at, if n ot str ictly obs er ved, results i n injur y or loss of l ife. Product T erms Caution: A personal i njur y ha zard exists that m ay not be apparen t. For ex ample, a pan el may cov er the haz ardous ar ea. Danger: A persona l injur y hazard exists in the area where you se e the sign. ADC: Automatic D ensity Control MCU: Engine Control Board BTR: Bias T ransfer Roller NCS: Non-Contact Sen sor CRUM: Customer Replaceable Unit Monito r PHD: Imaging Unit CTD: T oner Density Con trol PL: Corresp onds to the FRU Parts L ist.


ESD: Electrostatic D ischarge ROS: Laser Scan ning Unit IDT: Intermediate T ransfer Unit RTC: Char ge Roller As you ser vi ce the pri nter, check to make cer ta in that all warni ng lab els remai n in plac e. Power Safety Pr ecautions Power Source F or 115 V AC pri nters, do not a pply more than 135 v olts RM S between the supply condu ctors o r between eit her supp ly condu ctor and ground. F or 230 V AC printers, do not apply mo re tha n 254 volts RMS bet ween the su pply conduct ors o r between ei ther supp ly cond uctor and gro und. Use on ly the specifi ed power cord and co nnecto r. This m anual as sumes tha t the r eader is a qualifi ed se r vice te chnicia n. Plug the three-wi re power cord (w ith groundi ng prong ) into a gr ounded AC outlet only. I f neces sar y, contact a licensed electr icia n to insta ll a pro perl y grounded ou tlet. If the product l oses it s ground c onnectio n, cont act with condu ctive par ts may cause an el ectr ical sh ock. A prote ctive ground conne ction by way of the groundin g conduc tor in the power cord is ess ential f or safe operation. Disconnecting Po wer W arn i ng The power switch does no t comp letely d e-energ ize the pr inter. Y ou must also di sconnec t the power cord fr om the pri nter’ s A C inlet. Disconn ect the power cord by pullin g the pl ug, not the cord. Use caution (or d raws attention to a particular comp onent). Refer to the manual(s) for information. Hot surface on or in the printer. Use cauti on to avoid pe rsonal inju ry. The following technique s wil l reduce th e occur rence of componen t damag e caused by static elec tric ity. T his ca n be ac compli shed by touching a n ear th ground s ource or by wear ing a wr is t strap device conne cted to an ear t h ground source. Wearing a wri st strap wi ll also prev ent accumulatio n of add itiona l bodily static charges.Use care wh en servicing w ith po wer: Dangerous voltages may e xist at s ev er al points i n this prod uct.

T o avoid persona l injur y, do not touch exposed conne ctions a nd com ponent s while p ower is on. Dis connect p ower before removing th e power supply s hield or replac ing comp onents. Do not wear jewelr y: Remov e jewelr y p rior to ser v icing. Ri ngs, necklaces and other met allic o bjects could c ome i nto contac t with dangerou s voltages and cur rents. W arning Labels Read and ob ey all pos ted war ning lab els. Throu ghout the pr inte r, w ar ning labels ar e displayed on potentiall y dange rous com ponents. As you ser vi ce the pri nter, check to make cer ta in that all warni ng lab els remai n in plac e. Safety Interlocks Make sure all covers are in plac e and a ll inter lock switches ar e functio ning corre ctly afte r you hav e completed a pri nter ser vice c all. If you bypass an inter lock switch dur ing a ser vic e call, use extreme ca ution when wor king on or around th e pri nter. Ser vicing Electrica l Component s Before star ting any ser vice pr ocedure, switch off the pri nter power and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet. If you must ser vice the printer with power applied, be aware of the po tential for electr ical shock. W arn i ng Do not touch a ny electr ical c ompon ent unles s you are i nstr ucted to do s o by a ser vic e proced ure. S7300-02 Ser vicing He ated Compon ents W arn i ng This pr inter uses hea t to fuse th e image to media. Several components are heate d dur ing operati on. T ur n the p rinte r power off and wait a t least 10 minutes f or these c ompon ents to co ol before you attempt to ser v ice the Fus er or adjac ent comp onents. S7300-03 The se limi ts are designed to provide re asonable pr otection again st har mful i nterference in a resi dential install ation. Th is equip ment ge nerates, uses, and can radiate radi o frequen cy energy. If it i s not ins talled an d used in acco rdance with these instr uctions, i t may cause har mful interference to radio communica tions.


Any changes or modificat ions not expressl y approved b y Xe ro x could void the user's a uthor ity to operate the e quipme nt. T o ensure co mplia nce with Part 15 of the FCC r ules, use s hielded i nterface cables. Canada (Regul ations) This Clas s B digital apparatus comply with Canadi an ICES- 003. Cet appar eil numer ique de la cl asse B es t conforme a la nor me NMB-003 d u Canada. A signe d copy of the Decl aration of Co nformity for this p roduct can be obtain ed from X erox. This ma nual descr ibes sp ecifica tions, theor y, and the diagnosi s and repair of p roblems occurr ing in the pr in t engine a nd attac hed op tions. Section 1 - General Inform ation: This s ectio n contain s an over view of the pri nter’ s o peration, c onfiguratio n, speci fication s, and consu mables. Section 2 - Theory of Operati on: Th is sec tion conta ins detai led fu nctional informati on on p rint engine componen ts. Section 3 - Error Codes and Messages: This se ction pr ovides det ailed troubleshoot ing pr ocedure s for error mes sages an d codes generated by resident d iagnos tics. Secti on 4 - G ene ral T roub lesh ooti ng: T ro ubleshooting disc ussions cov e r the operation of P ower On Self T est (POST), Ser vice Dia gnostic s, In addition, this sect ion incl udes troubleshooti ng meth ods for situatio ns where no error indica tor is av a ilable. Section 5 - Print-Qualit y T roubleshooti ng: This se ction f ocuses o n techniques to corr ect imag e quali ty prob lems as sociate d with print er outp ut. Section 6 - Adjustme nts and Calibrati ons: This sec tion p rovides proced ures for the adjus tment of pr int e ngine component s. Section 7 - Cleanin g and Mainten ance: This se ction provides p erio dic cleani ng procedu res for the pr inter. Section 8 - Service Parts Disassembly: This sectio n conta ins rem ov a l procedu res for spare pa r ts lis ted in th e P ar ts Li st. A repl acement pr ocedur e is include d when n ecessa r y.

Section 9 - Parts List: T his sect ion con tains exploded views of the pr int en gine and option FRUs, as well as par t numbers f o r orderable par ts. Append ix A - Referen ce: This s ection p rovides an illust ration of the pr inter’ s menu str uctu re, a listing o f pri nter stat us co des, and a li st of S er vice Diagno stic s tes ts. Ye l l o w: Warn ing condition, printer continues to pr int. Red: Startu p sequence or er ror cond itio n. Blinking: Printer is busy or warmin g up. 5 Up Arrow bu t ton Scrolls upward th rough the menus. 2 Graphic displ ay indicates status messages and menu s. 6 Down Arrow button Scrolls downward through t he menus. 3 Cancel button Cancels the current pri n t job. 7 OK butto n Accepts the selected set ting. 4 Back button Returns to the previous menu item. 8 Help (?) or In formation button Displays a help m essage with information about the p ri nter, such as printer status, error messages, and maintenance in formation. Phaser 8500 s8500-003 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 READY TO PRINT Walk-Up Features Information Paper T ray Setup Printer Setup T roubleshooting 2 T o print the Menu Map: 1. On the C ontrol P ane l, se lect Information, and th en press the OK button. 2. Select Menu Ma p, and th en pres s the OK button t o print. The ser vice di agnostic menu map is detai led in Se ction 4, see “Service Diagno stics” on page 4-4 f or more infor mation. Control Panel Shortcut s Mode or M enu Shortcu t Service T ools Menu From any menu, press and hold the Up Arrow, and then press OK. Hidden Servic e Menu From the Ser vice T ools menu, press and hold the Up Arrow, and then press the Dow n Arrow. Set Cont rol Pane l languag e Press and hold the Ca ncel button, and then press the Help butto n. Bypass prot ected menus Press and hold the Ca ncel button, and then press the Back butto n.

Jet Substitut ion Mode (Phaser 840 0 only) T o add Jet Substitutio n Mode to the Print Quality Problems men u: From the Print Quality Problems menu: press and hold the Up Arrow button, and then press the Bac k button. FTTR (Fast Time T o Ready) Printer goes to the ready st ate without w ai ting for the rmal temperatures to reach the proper operating values. On power - up, when the Xero x splash scr een displays, press and release the Up Arrow button, t hen press the Down A rrow button. If the printer detects ink o n the drum, the display indicates a warming-up status. The pri nter’ s Hard Dri v e is also mounte d on the re ar panel. When ins talling a new electron ic modul e in the pr inte r, the following componen ts nee d to be trans f erre d from the old bo ard. 1. Hard Drive (o ptional) 3. Configur ation Card (I nstalled from the side under the i n terface cover.) 2. Memory (RAM) DIMM 1 and DIMM 2 4. NVRAM (Con figuratio n Card handles NVRAM differ ences between model s). 1 1 2 3 4 s8500-006 Front - Unrestricted Required for media tray and j am access. T op - 559 mm (22 in.) pr inter only Required for in kl oad and jam access. Bottom - No obstruction between mounting surface and printer Required for airflow. Min. instal l width - 71 1 mm (28 in.) Requires placing printer at an angle to remove waste tray. Duri ng operatio n, the ink is in liqu id form an can spill fro m the Prin thead reser voir resu lting in outp ut def e cts. Print Engine Only Value 10 cm (4 in.) 90 cm (35 in.) 60 cm (24 in.) 56 cm (22 in.) 10 cm (4 in.) 20 cm (7.5 in.) 40 cm (15.5 in.) 60 cm (24 in.) s8500-141 See “P rinting” on the User Document ation CD-ROM for inf or mation on how to mi nimize these occurrences.The Medi a Drive: Controls each r oller in the med ia transpor t pat h. The Me dia Drive consi sts of a drive moto r, a gea rbox, two clutches, and a solen oid.

The Media Dr ive motor a lso cont rols the movement of th e Wiper Blade an d headlock mec hanism through a gear t rain and so lenoid o n the Exi t Modul e. s8500-008 T ransfix System Preheater Printhead Drum Ink Loader Wiper Assembly Hard Drive Electronics Module Drum Maintenance Kit Wave Amp Configuration Card Waste T ray The Pri nthead include s 1236 inter leaved jets (309 o f each pr imar y c olor) to provide the ability to e lectron ically tur n off a weak or miss ing jet t o restor e image quality. The D rum Maint e nan ce Kit: Creates a thin layer of silicon e oil on the sur f ace o f the Dr um pr ior to p rint ing. The oil keeps the in k from s ticking to the Dr um’ s surface and facilitate s image t ransfer to the medi a. The Pur ge System: Uses air pres sure and a wiper blade to remov e any debr is or air bubbles that may be obs truc ting the Pr inth ead noz zles. The Drum Assembly and T ransfix System: F or m the k e y por tion of where imaging takes place. A sheet o f war med medi a feeds from the P reheater and passes bet ween the Dr um and the T ransfi x Roll er. The Process Drive gear train then load s the T ransfix Modul e and p resses th e media to the Dr um to adhere th e image as the Dr um spi ns in the transfix d irectio n. The Elect ronics System: includ es the Electroni cs Modul e (also known as the E- can); wh ich cont ains the m ain bo ard, the i mage pro cessor bo ard, the p ower control board, and the power supply board.The rotati onal d irectio n of the mot or co ntrols the o peratio n of the trans fix and drum maint enance s ystem. W hen the process m otor ro tates in o ne direc tion, the swing gear en gages the lower gears. When the motor r otates in the opposite directi on, the upper ge ars are engaged. Since th e syste m is open loop, spec ial attenti on to th e home pos ition of the process dr ive gears and the matin g camsha ft gears is cr itica l.

The P rocess Drive gearbox is m echanic ally key e d upon ins talla tion via gear or ie ntations. These g ear or ientati ons allow the pri nter subsy stems to self-ho me dur ing operation. If either the g earbox or cam gea rs is out o f home d uring install ation, the pr inter does not function proper ly.Gear trains loca ted within the Med ia Dr ive, along with two clut ches and a sol enoid, all ow the motor to control the Pick, T ake A way, Duplex, and Des ke w ro llers. A unique swing gear allows t he Pick Roller and T ake A way Roller to ro tate in the sa me direc tion re gardless o f the di rection the mot or is r otatin g. s8500-010 Media Path Drive Swing Gear Motor Duplex Roller T ake Away Roller Pick Roller Deskew Roller When the Pri nthead requires ink, th e melting e lement of t he appr opr iate col or melts the end of the ink stick. The melted ink dr ips i nto the Pri nthead ink reser voirs. Sensors in the Ink Lo ader aler t th e cust omer to install more ink sticks before the pr inter complet ely consume s the cur rent st icks. T he Phaser 840 0 f e atures a si ngle Ink-Ou t sensor, which ac tivates when there is no ink stick in any of the four ink chan nels. This conditi on activates the s ensor flag. Each sensor deter mines if the indivi dual chan nel is empty. The se nsors a lso deter mine t he cou nt of the ink sti cks as they pass by the Ink-Out sensor fl ag. Ink Loader Door Ink Stick Ink Melt Units Ink Low Sensor Ink Out Sensor Printhead s8500-011 The P rin thead provid es one si ze ink d rop, w hich is used f o r all pr int-qua lity modes.Dur ing th e printi ng proc ess, the Pr inthea d would only hav e to trav el ap prox imately 14 pixels hor izontally to p rovide com plete coverage. Howe ver, the Pr inthead travels much fur th er, dependi ng on pr int res olution, to inter lace ea ch je t with th e output of n eighbo ring jets. The jet arra y bo nds to a c ast alum inum ink r eser voir, which supplies the molten in k to th e jet array.

Heater s in the res er voir and the jet array maintain the in k at a pr in ting tempera ture of ab out 60 d egrees cen tigrade. Black Y ellow Cyan Magenta Ink Loader Printhead Ink Funnel Filter Purge Valve s8500-013 Level Sense Probe The Print head is dr iven against the left pr inter frame for a f ew seco nds, and then r ev ersed a set dis tanc e. A tension spr ing links to the Pri nthead’ s left sh aft and provid es a preload ed tens ion to allow the P rin thead to mov e smoothl y.The til t cam til ts the h ead in to the ba sic four positio ns li sted a bov e. The cam has five specia l features and as sociated fu nctio ns: 1. The cam is combine d with a m issing toot h gear that allows the cam to be inactive in the pr int position, which fr ees the pro cess dr ive to perform other pr inter o peration s. 2. The cam has a latching feature to unlatch and la tch the miss ing tooth gear to engage t he Pr inthe ad tilt dri v e train. 3. The cam profile ha s a st andby dwell (the por t ion of the c am tha t has a constan t radius), tha t holds the Pr inthead back in the s tandby positi on. 4. The cam profile has a wip e dwell th e hold s the P rin thead b ack in the wipe positio n. 5. The cam profile increa ses the power consu mption at a spec ific phas e of rotation. This allows the software to id entify a p ower consumpti on f o otpr int that aler ts the pr inter to a f ault when the hea d is locked in error. The Pr inthead i s tilted aw ay from the dr um and lo ck ed for shippi ng. The Pri nthead is locked if the head lock indica tor is above the lev el of the outp ut tra y. When the P rin thead is locked in the ship ping po sition the re are three ke y restrain ing eleme nts: 1. The Pr inthead i s restrain ed from rota ting from the sh ipping po sition by pins extending fro m both ends of the Printh ead int o a pocket.Wh en the Pr ocess Dr ive is activated, it dr ives the Dr um Mai ntenance Camshaft to engage the tilt ge ar train.

The tilt c am tilts the Pr inthead into th e pri nt positi on. The ca m is combine d with a mi ssing to oth gear t hat allows the ca m to be inactive in the pri nt positi on, freeing th e Proc ess Dr ive to perform o ther pri nter ope rations. The cam has a la tchin g mech anism to unlatch a nd latch t he mis sing too th gear to e ngage th e Pr inthead ti lt dr ive train. The ca m’ s la tching m echani sm also hol ds the ti lt gear i n place. A le af spr ing applies const ant pres sure to engage the gear when the la tching mech anism is released. The ar m o f the latchin g mechani sm is ins ide the fram e; the rest is visible, outside the frame. Arrows loca ted on th e latching m echan ism and o n the frame i ndicate when the Pr inth ead is in pri nt positi on. Wh en the arr ows on the la tchin g mechani sm and frame al ign, the P rin thead i s in the p rint posit ion and the tilt g ear disenga ges from the Proc ess Dr ive. The latchi ng mecha nism is actuated by a small movement of the wi per coupled with the Head Tilt S olenoid. The acti on of the s olenoid ensures that the Head T ilt Gear e ngages th e tilt d rive gear. Thr ough a follower gear, th e compo und gear drives the ti lt cam gear cl ockwise. A cam f o llower, m ounted on the lower end of the ti lt ar m, follows the rot ating tilt cam g ear and ti lts the Pri nthead. Drum Printhead Tilt Gear Tilt Gear (Engaged) Printhead Restraint s8500-015 DM Cam Gear The P rocess Dr ive dri ves the gears to t he tilt compound gear train. The Dr um Mai ntenance Camsh aft dr ives the gear train to tilt the Pri nthead. Tilt Gear Engaged Head Tilt Compond Gear Tilt Drive Gear s8500-133 T he same cams haft raises a wiper b lade to assu re that the oil film is smo oth and e ven acro ss the Dr um’ s surface. The Proc ess Dr ive rotates in one direction. This r otates the Drum Maint enance Cam shaft a nd raises the d rum m aintenanc e system to the Dr um.

T he Proces s Dr ive then rotates in the o pposite d irecti on to lower the dr um m aintena nce syst em. The blade removes oil and drains it back into the mainte nance kit dra w er throug h a f e lt filter. The oil rolle r can the n reuse the o il. As t he Dru m com pletes on e rotation, the rotati ng cam l owers the oil rol ler and then lowers the b l ade. The Dru m has a floati ng deadb and; the nar row section of the dr um con taining ex c ess oil and other debr is. The oil b ar is left o n the dr um s urface when the blade is removed from the dr um. T his oil bar locati on is c ontrolle d to keep it outside of the pr int a rea. An EEP ROM chip, b ui lt-in to th e Dr um Mai ntenan ce Kit, stores the number of oiling c ycles pe rf or me d and th e number of prin ts re maining t o track consuma ble lif e. At p rinte r star tup, f our oi ling cy cles con dition the Dr um. After repl acing th e Proce ss Dri v e, Drum Maintena nce Pivot Plate or the Drum Mainte nance Cam shaft (or any compon ent re quir ing rem ov al of the Proc ess Drive), the p rint er may e xpe rie nce F ront Cover jams from T ray 2. T h e jam occurs wi th pape r in the Preheate r and C3T jam err ors (str ip flag timeou t duri ng transfix) r ecorded i n Jam Histor y. In many ca ses, T ra y 1 (MP T) pr ints with no jams. These s ymptoms indica te that th e T ransfix Loa d Modul e is inco rrectly timed resulti ng in a late arrival of the lea ding edg e at the str ip flag. The likely caus e is the position of the Dr um M ainten ance Camshaf t gear in relatio n to the Process Drive gear. T o c orrect th is problem, s ee “Timi ng the Drum Maintenan ce Cam shaft” on pag e 6-9.F ollo wing t he purge, a wi pe oper ation is perf ormed on th e f aceplat e using t he Wiper Bla de. After the w ipe, a Clean ing page i s pr inted. T o perform a Pr inthead m aintena nce cy cle, the Pri nthead is first t ilted awa y from the D rum, to allow the Wi per Bla de to pass by.

The W iper Bl ade is th en raised in fr ont of th e Prin thead. W iper movement is dr iven by the Media Path Drive, by engaging a c lutch on the exit shaft o f the pr inte r. T he Pur ge Pump applies pressu re to the ink res er voir f o r approximatel y 2.5 sec onds. V a lves in the reser voir seal when pres sure is applied. T he press uri zation eje cts a smal l amount of ink from the jet s. F ollowing t he press ure purge, the P ri nthead is tilted i nto th e wiper as sembly and the wi pe cycle begins. T he pump run s aga in with th e solenoi d for approx imately 30 sec onds, creating a neutral ba lance between pres sure an d ink. The Wiper B lade lowers an d wipes excess i nk from the jet s into the ink W aste T ray. A prop er purge will la yer the le ngth of the W aste T ra y wi th a si ngle layer of ink about 20 mm w ide. The lev e l of the in k in t he reser voir is kept at a cons tant lev el. If the p urge tubing is pinched, the Pr inthea d may not purge proper ly. In additio n, beca use the pur ge tubing also a cts as a vent to atm osphere when no t purgin g, a more ser ious failure m a y occur if the ink ov er fills. Overfilling may trap air in the reser voir, whic h would prev ent the mel ted ink from enter ing th e reser voir.This sectio n discu sses the Drum. The next section provides m ore detai l on the T ran sfix Mo dule. In operatio n, the imag e is ren dered on the rapidly r otatin g dru m. The Preheat er heats the med ia to prep are it for the image transfer process. The heated med ia is the n passed between the Drum (now rotatin g much more slowly) and th e T ransfix Roller. Th e pressur e applied by the T ransfix Roller transfers the ima ge to the he ated me dia. A n encoder disk and s ensor on the left end of the Dr um mon itors th e Dru m’ s speed an d posi tion. The dr um hea ter heats the surface of th e Drum to about 60 o C (140 o F) for imaging. The dr um he ater does not r otate.

The heat er is in side th e dru m, and is cont rolled by the Dr um Heat er Relay Board. The dr um hea ter cons ists of two resis tive heater coi ls that o perate in s eries f o r 220 V and in p arallel for 110 V ope ration. The Dru m T emperature S ensor m onitors the drum temperat ure. The main bo ard inte r prets th e sensor’ s signal and tur ns o n the dr um heate r and Dr um F an t o heat the Dr u m, or tur ns on the Dr um fan alone to coo l the Drum. The Y -Axis Motor drives the Dr um. T hrough a single reduction b elt dr ive, the Y -A xis Motor ro tates the Dr um at a high spe ed f o r imaging and a constant low speed for image transfer. T he Y - Axis Bel t uses a n active tension s ystem t o allow the pul ley to float whi le the spr ing actively adjust s the b elt ten sion.The pressu re is u niform ac ross th e length of the T ransf ix Roll er to avoid wrinkl es and ligh t spots on the pr ints. After the T ransfix Ro ller engag es, the Dr um rot ates to advance the media through t he transfix process. The D r um continues to advance the media until the T ransfix Ro ller di senga ges. The action of the P rocess D r ive lifts and lowers the T ransfix Roller. The upper g ears of t he Proc ess Dr ive mov e to rotate the T ransfix Camshaf t to br ing th e T ransfix Rol ler into co ntact with the Drum. The gea rs rev ers e to rotat e the T ransfix Roller ba ck to its or igin al positio n, except when pr in ting from T ra y 1 or on envelopes. The transf ix load spr ings and dou ble le ver ar ms incr ease the force when the T ransfix Cam shaft engages. Caution Nev er attem pt to ad just or increase the transfix p ressure o n the s prings. s8500-021 Main Board The mai n board p erf o rm s the image pr ocessi ng functio ns. Communicati on por ts on the bo ard rec eive the pri nt job ima ge data and convert it to dr ive signals for the Printh ead.

The main b oard also c ontai ns the mec hanical process control ler, whic h comman ds the func tion of the power control board. The mai n board s ends si gnals through the power contr ol board to the wav e amp boar d, which a mplifies the sign al that dr ives the jets on the Pr inthe ad. NVRAM: The NVRAM mem or y device, located on the main b oard, sto res Control Panel defaults, network sett ings, calibratio n data, copy counts, usage profile dat a, and th e pri nter se rial number, whi ch is al so referred to as the Engin e T racking Number (ET N). When the el ectroni cs modul e is replaced, the NVRAM must be transf e rred to the main boar d in the replac ement elec tronics module. Memory: For Phase r 8400 pr inters, the main b oard su ppor ts t wo PC 133 compat ible SO-DIMM S DRAM m emor y mod ules (128 to 25 6 MB). Pr inters s hip with a minimum of 128 MB a nd suppor t a maximum of 1 024 MB Hard Drive Support: A hard dri v e IDE ca b l e plug s into the main boar d from the hard dr ive board. A separa te power cable must plug into the power con trol board fr om the har d dr ive board to provid e signal s and p ower f or th e hard dri v e boa rd. Configuration Card The Config uration Card is a th umbnail- sized device that plugs into the side of the Elec tronics Module. Th is device stores pr inte r inform ation a nd interact s with the pr inte r's NVRAM chip. The Configu ration Card s uppor ts the tran sf er of pr inter mo del and ne twork c onfigu ration informa tion fr om a failed pri nter to a replacem ent pr inter. When replac ing the el ectroni cs module, you must transfer the Configuration Card to the replac ement e lectronics m odule. The f e ature value is fixed in the Conf iguration Ca rd and doe s not c hange. Ether net address is stored only on the Co nfiguratio n Card and c annot be rewritten. The Ether ne t addres s is not writte n to the NVR AM ch ip.